12/07/24 : Formation AFF EN


Basic training - 7 jumps :

- The DAY BEFORE the theory course: 10min wind tunnel session (6.30pm at Fly-In Liège),
- Friday: Session of a theory course from 9am to + 1pm
possibility of the first Aff jump in the afternoon.
- Saturday and the following days: jumps at your convenience and depending on the weather.


Training courses are given from 3 students.
If fewer than 3 students register for a course, they will be moved to the next course, subject to availability.

Propriétés de l'événement

Date de l'événement 12-07-2024 9:00 am
Date de fin 12-07-2024 1:00 pm
Places 6
Enregistrés 3
Place disponible 3

Les inscriptions pour cet événement sont closes.

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